Institution Information
- Dundee, Scotland
- Further Education College
- Approximately 25,000 students

Practices Identified
- EdTech across the college was key to develop digital skills among staff and students
- A digital mile within the college hosts learning spaces sponsored by local business
- The world of technology is developing and colleges have a responsibility to reflect this
Practice Description
The Computing and Creative Media Team at Dundee & Angus (D&A) College have been working in hyper-drive for the last few years to expand opportunities and provide the best possible learning for students whilst also creating a clear talent pipe-line for regional businesses. In June 2018 the college launched their ‘Digital Mile’ as a visual representation of the links with both local and global employers. As a part of this creative development, learning spaces have been re-developed from traditional to learning spaces that replicate real working creative industries environments. A number of the learning spaces in college are now industry equipped hubs - which have Microsoft, Cisco and Oracle classrooms. Each has specialised software and hardware to support experimental learning and enable students to become familiar with the programmes, features and usage of industry requirements. Everything from creating physical to virtual networks, which they can build and manage as well tablets, servers and more.
By advising on the curriculum employers are making an investment into their own companies’ future, they are developing a talent pipeline to deliver on future skills needs while ensuring that potential employees have a solid understanding of the world of work and the skills and experiences which are relevant for their industry. Students are getting the best possible education which will make them more employable, with the additional bonus of invaluable input from senior industry experts.